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A sale is made only to entrepreneurs, freelancers and public institutions within the meaning of §13 BGB.

The different types of filtration

September 13, 2021 | yourfilter GmbH

The different types of filtration


     With particle filters, a distinction is made between two types of filtration:

    1. Surface filtration
    2. Depth filtration

    Surface filtration:

    The pores on the surface of the filter medium are very small. The particles cannot get into the filter medium. A layer of dust, the so-called "filter cake", forms on the filter material. This filter cake can be cleaned off by blasts of air, vibration or shaking so that the filter is ready for a new round. These are the so-called "cleanable filters".

    Examples: Filter hoses, filter cartridges, filter plates

    Filterplatte und Filterpatrone
    Fig. 1: Filter plate and filter cartridge


    Depth Filtration:

    The pores of the surface of the filter medium are slightly larger. The particles can penetrate into the filter medium and are “held” there by the fibers of the filter material. The filter material cannot be cleaned and the filters must be disposed of when they are fully “saturated”.

    Examples: Filter mats, pocket filters, cassette filters, filters for suspended matter


    Fig. 2: (Pre) filter mats, HEPA filters, cassette filters


    In the next BLOG article: PTFE or polyester fleece?